2014-02-12 11:21:53 | 编辑:环球博海四六级 来自:网站编辑整理说到四六级考试新题型——段落翻译题,原单句汉译英调整为段落汉译英,内容涉及中国的历史、文化、经济、社会发展等,四级长度为140-160个汉字。看到这些各位同学一定会皱起眉头,的确,翻译题是有些许难度,可是大家千万不要望而却步,只要掌握了一定的复习方法,加以训练,就一定能取得好成绩的,环球博海四六级小编特整理了2014年英语四级翻译模拟试题(1) ,供大家练习!
In the process of finding a job, where there is aninterview, there is hope. Whether you succeed ornot depends not only on how the interviewers lookat your qualifications and you personal qualities,mainly depend on how they evaluate yourperformance in interviews, therefore, it's necessaryto retreat it as an performance or a contest with the aim to market yourself to theinterviewers and make them feel that you are the best to do the job.Most interviewees are inthe positive position and try their best to answer all the questions in the interviews. One betterway is to control the situation and provide the information that you want to offer, but not theinformation that they want to find from you: to make them have confidence and absolutelybelieve that you are the best choice and to make them almost have no reason to believe youcan't do it. Confidence not only comes from your answers, also from your appearance andyour enthusiasm, energy, confidence, personal quality and ambition.The main reason thatmost interviewees can't get the job is that they can't make the interviewers become confidentin them. They failed not because they can't do the job well, but because they didn't show theirconfidence during the interview. They didn't do self-marketing well. Most people do sobecause they are nervous, if they can't get the job after each interview, many people will feelthat they are loser and become more anxious. It is not practical. Most interviewers will berefused. Don't think whether you can get the job or not. You only need to concentrate oninterview and try your best, you naturally can get the job.