2013-11-14 16:07:51 | 编辑:环球博海四六级  来自:网络编辑整理 
导读:环球博海小编特整理了2013年英语四级语法词汇强化习题(11) ,希望能够帮助到大家!

  我们都知道语法词汇的重要性,这就需要同学们平时多加训练,环球博海小编特整理了2013年英语四级语法词汇强化习题(11) ,希望能够帮助到大家!

  91. At this moment, they are still __________ with many economic problems.

  A. centered B. believed C. referred D. confronted

  92. The conference was ____________ by one hundred experts in this field.

  A. announced B. declined C. attended D. planned

  93. It is believed that _______ spending will certainly lead to the bankrupt.

  A. natural B. mysterious C. moist D. excessive

  94. With a _________, he didn't care about what his friend said.

  A. contempt B. motivation C. reception D. realization

  95. The guests are often very well _________ by the host in that city.

  A. recovered B. refreshed C. reassured D. entertained

  96. The mediccal report confirms that the flu has __________ almost everyone in this area.

  A. infected B. raised C. recommended D. insulated

  97. From the passage we can ________ that this disease can be cured.

  A. insult B. inspire C. refuse D. infer

  98. As the price keeps going up, _______ has turn into double figures.

  A. recreation B. inflation C. refuge D. reduction

  99. The ______ of jet travel has made the world seem smaller.

  A. remark B. relationship C. removal D. innovation

  100. The factors which would influence the learning will _____ with each other.

  A. interact B. install C. innovate D. intend

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  • 2013年12月四六级考前预测

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