2013-11-14 15:59:28 | 编辑:环球博海四六级  来自:网络编辑整理 


  61. He proved himself a ________ successor to the former Prime Minister.

  A. worthwhile B. worthiness C. worthy D. worth

  62. Your radio is too loud, turn the ________ down.

  A. volume B. voice C. sound D. tone

  63. The Channel Tunnel is one of the biggest engineering projects ever ________.

  A. understated B. undertaken C. undergone D. underneath

  64. He comes from a poor country village in the mountains, so it's very hard for him to pay the whole school year's ________ at one time.

  A. money B. fare C. fees D. tuition

  65. Anthony is a very ________ person and never wastes anything.

  A. miserly B. thrifty C. economic D. conservative

  66. He is seriously ill because his girlfriend has just deserted him. Why don't you try some occupational ________ to remove his mind from distress?

  A. operation B. therapy C. injection D. medicine

  67. The government used their emergency powers to ________ the truth about the accident.

  A. suppress B. manipulate C. control D. manage

  68. The ________ of the member countries is supposed to be held recently at Geneva.

  A. summit B. summary C. suffering D. summon

  69. The ghostly presence was just a (n)_________ sensation of some people.

  A. objective B. subjunctive C. subjective D. objected

  70. The company is on the verge of bankruptcy, and thousands of jobs are at ________.

  A. danger B. loss C. threat D. stake

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