2014-01-26 14:42:40 | 编辑:环球博海四六级 来自:网站编辑整理词汇是学习英语的基础,只有掌握了大量的词汇,才能刚好的进一步学习英语,更好的优美的段落、文章,增强词汇记忆是攻克写作这座大山的不二法宝。环球博海四六级小编特整理了2014英语四级写作话题词汇,包括:生活、职场、体育、政治、节日等等相关的词汇,希望能够帮助到2014年广大备考的四级考生!
Along the way, and especially since I started my resolutions-based happiness project, I’ve hit on some strategies for helping myself stick to resolutions.
If you have an especially tough time keeping resolutions, if you have a pattern of making and breaking them, try these strategies:
1. Be specific. 具体化。
Don’t resolve to “Make more friends” or “Strengthen friendships”; that’s too vague. To make more friends as part of my happiness project, I have several very concrete resolutions like: “Start a group,” “Remember birthdays,” “Say hello,” “Make plans,” “Show up,” and “No gossip.”
2. Write it down. 写下来
3. Review your resolution constantly. 时常回顾你的决心。
If your resolution is buzzing through your head, it’s easier to stick to it. I review my Resolutions Chart every night.
4. Hold yourself accountable. 建立自我问责制度。
Tell other people about your resolution, join or form a like-minded group, score yourself on a chart (my method) — whatever works for you to make yourself feel accountable for success and failure.
5. Think big. 眼光放远。
Maybe you need a big change, a big adventure — a trip to a foreign place, a break-up, a move, a new job. Let yourself imagine anything, and plan from there.
6. Think small. 小处着眼。
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that only radical change can make a difference. Just keeping your fridge cleared out could give you a real boost. Look close to home for ways to improve and grow.
7. Ask for help. 寻求帮助。
Why is this so hard? But every time I ask for help, I’m amazed at how much easier my task becomes.
resolve v.决心做 resolution的动词形式。如:We resolved to visit Europe at least once a year. 我们决定至少每年访问欧洲一次。
vague a.模糊的,与concrete,specific(具体的)在意义上相反。
constantly ad.不断地。如:She is constantly changing her mind. 她经常改变主意。
buzz through 不断在脑海中闪现,耳边经常响起
buzz through的比喻义强,想象一下,就像蜜蜂的响声一样,经常在耳边嗡嗡作响。
accountable a.负责任的,有责任的
如:You should be accountable what you do.每个人都应为自己的事情负责。
radical a.彻底的