2013-10-31 10:41:51 | 编辑:环球博海四六级  来自:网络编辑整理 


  1. I miss you so much.____________________ (真遗憾你不能在我走之前回来!)

  2. Look at the bread left over on the table.____________________ (把这些食物浪费掉多可惜!)

  3. If only Mary could see this wonderful scene.____________________ (她不在这里,真遗憾!)

  4. In one of his plays, Joseph Addison wrote:“____________________ (可惜我们只能为国捐躯一次!)”

  5. Television and the difficulty of financing plays have helped to close many theatres. ____________________(现今舞台上的一些最佳表演只有这么少的人来观看,真遗憾!)

  6. ____________________(可惜你不会游泳。) . Otherwise you could have a much more enjoyable time here in Hawaii.


  1.[参考答案] What a pity you won’t be back before I leave!

  2.[参考答案] What a pity (it is) to waste the food!

  3.[参考答案] What a pity she isn’t here!

  4.[参考答案] What a pity that we can die only once for our country!

  5.[参考答案] What a pity that some of the best acting on stage today can only be seen by so few people!

  6.[参考答案] What a pity you can’t swim

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