2013-12-12 14:17:28 | 编辑:环球博海四六级  来自:环球博海四六级考试研发中心 


  Nothing can be more important than…没有…比…更重要了

  We can’t emphasize the importance of … too much再怎么强调…的重要性也不为过


  • Recently, the issue of /that____ has aroused wide concern in the public.

  • 近日,XX问题已经非常明确而且引起了社会的广泛关注。

  • There is a general discussion today about the issue of /that ___ .

  • 现在关于XX的问题,正在被热烈的讨论。

  • At present, some people think ______ while other claim ­­­_____. Both sides have their merits.

  • 目前,一些人认为XX,而另一些人认为XX。其实,两种观点都有可取之处。

  • ______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day to day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but created some serious problems as well.

  • XX在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。它为人们带来了很多便利的同时也造成了一些严重的问题。

  • Some people hold the view that ___ but some others argue that ___.

  • 一些人有XX这样的断点,但是一些人争论到XX。

  • It is commonly believed that ___

  • 大多数人相信XX。

  • It is generally accepted that ___

  • 被广泛接受的是XX。

  • As is shown in the table, _____

  • 正如图标所示,……

  • From the statistics given in the table it can be seen that ____

  • 从图标中给出的数据可以看出……

  • As can be seen from the chart, great changes have taken place in ___

  • 正如图表所示,在XX方面发生了巨大的改变。

  • Seen from the chart, it can be concluded that ____


  2. 原因段

  • There are _ reasons for this phenomenon that cannot be ignored.

  • 产生这一现象有X种不可忽视的原因。

  • The main reason why _____ is that _____

  • XX问题的主要原因是XX。

  • One very solid reason is that ___

  • 一个可靠的原因是……

  • There is a further more subtle point we must consider. ___

  • 更微妙的一点我们必须考虑。……

  • A more essential reason why I advocate the argument is that __

  • 我赞同这个观点的一个更重要的原因是……

  • Another factor that should be taken into consideration is that ___

  • 另外一个需要考量的因素是……

  3. 优点段,缺点段

  • It is of great benefit to people that ___ XX 对人们有巨大的好处

  • The disadvantage that cannot be ignored is that ____ 不可忽视的一个缺点是……

  • _____ is beneficial to ____ / __ be good for __ XX有利于XX

  • ___ is ruining people’s life / students’ English study.

  • XX正在毁坏人们的生活(破坏学生们的英语学习)

  • The negative / positive influence caused by __ is that ___

  • 由XX产生的消极(积极)影响是XX

  • As can be seen clearly, advantages of __ overweigh disadvantages of it.

  • 正如被清晰的看到一样,XX的优点超过了缺点。

  4. 观点段

  • As for me, I’m in favor of ___

  • 就我而言,我支持XX观点。

  • After careful consideration of ___ , I, personally, believe that ___

  • 在考虑XX之后,我个人相信XX。

  • As far as I am concerned, ___

  • 我认为……

  • When it comes to ___, different people have different attitudes. Personally speaking, I tend to side with the view that ___

  • 谈到XX问题,人们会有不同的态度,就个人而言,我倾向于XX的观点。

  • As I see it, ___

  • 就我而言……

  • ____ is something that I can totally agree.

  • XX是我完全同意的。

  5. 论证段

  • There are many instances supporting my opinion.

  • 有很多例子可以支持我的观点。

  • ___ can be illustrated by ____

  • XX可以被XX很好的诠释

  • The following example can serve as strong evidence of ___

  • 下面这个例子可以强有力的说明XX。

  6. 总结段

  • In short, it can be said that ___

  • 总之,……

  • All in all / in one word / briefly speaking / to sum up / in summary

  • 总之,……

  • From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that ___

  • 通过上面的讨论,我们不难得出结论……



再次 / 最后





All in all

First of all



In one word

To begin with



To sum up

First and foremost


In addition

In summary

In the first place

What is more

More important

Briefly speaking


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