2013-11-18 14:09:19 | 编辑:环球博海四六级  来自:网络编辑整理 


  1.The waste pipe is blocked; try ____ it out with hot water.

  A) rushing B)brushing C)crushing D)flushing

  2.His actions do not ____ to his words.

  A)respond B)consist C) correspond D)accord

  3.He____satisfaction from helping people in trouble.

  A) derides B)derives C) deviates D)detaches

  4.There is a shift in____ from a woman’s view to a man ’s view.

  A) prospective B) prospectus C) prosperous D) perspective

  5.I ____ on a book with him. He help me a lot with collecting materials.

  A) cooperate B) operate C) collate D) collaborate

  6.She is the ____ survivor of the air crash.

  A) alone B) unique C) single D) sole

  7.Both Bach and Beethoven wrote ____ music.

  A) classical B) classic C) class D) classics

  8.Physical attractiveness is not an important ____ in some people’s opinion.

  A) ascribe B) attribute C) tribute D) trains

  9.They came up with a(n) ____ way of preventing cheating in exams.

  A) ingnue B) ingenuous C) ingenious D) genius

  10.The school dining room____ as a meeting place for teachers and students.

  A) uses B) utilizes C) functions D) exerts

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  • 环球博海网络课程专题

  • 应试词汇-专题