2014-01-26 14:38:33 | 编辑:环球博海四六级 来自:网站编辑整理词汇是学习英语的基础,只有掌握了大量的词汇,才能刚好的进一步学习英语,更好的优美的段落、文章,增强词汇记忆是攻克写作这座大山的不二法宝。环球博海四六级小编特整理了2014英语四级写作话题词汇,包括:生活、职场、体育、政治、节日等等相关的词汇,希望能够帮助到2014年广大备考的四级考生!
Geili 给力
"Geili," which is pronounced as "gěi lì," used to be a word only spoken in the northern dialect literally meaning "giving power," but is now widely accepted as an adjective describing something "cool," "awesome," or "exciting." Its antonym "bugeili" means "far from desirable," "dull" or "boring."
在2010年世界杯期间,由于与球场的氛围相合,“给力”一词开始成为网络热门词汇。 “给力”一词究竟从哪来的呢?据说是源自中文配音版本的日本搞笑动漫《西游记——旅程的终点》。画面一开始,师徒历经磨难到达天竺后,却发现所谓天竺只有面小旗子,上书“天竺”二字。悟空不无抱怨地说:“这就是天竺吗,不给力啊老师。 ”所谓“不给力”就是形容和自己预想的目标相差甚远。而“给力”自然就是有作用、给劲、带劲的意思了。11月10日,该词上了人民日报头版标题,更被普遍认为是网络语言“转正”的标志。近来,“gelivable”这一由“给力”生造出来的英文词汇也开始走红。
Magic horse is just floating cloud 神马都是浮云
"Magic horse" actually does not refer to a horse, but is rather a homophone of "shen me" meaning "what." "Magic horse" replaced its predecessor "xia mi" as the most popular phrase in the Chinese Internet community shortly after its emergence. "Floating cloud" here indicates "purely imaginary" or "disappearing quickly." Altogether, the phrase means "nothing is worth mentioning."
2010年国庆期间,“小月月”横空出世,以极其诡异的言行雷倒众生,并让网友们将“神马”和“浮云”联系在了一起,诞生诸如:“用任何词语来形容她,都根本乏味得很,神马网络豪放女,浮云!都是浮云!”“小月月还能保持着晕的状态靠在他胸口,神马晕倒无意识论,统统是浮云! ”的感叹。而“神马”和“浮云”的神奇之处,则是当这两个词结合在了一起,便可组成万能金句。 例如:许多白领的QQ签名改成:“奖金、升职这些是神马东西?都是浮云、浮云”,“加班就加班,神马都不要说,说了也是浮云”。
Wo le ge qu 我勒个去
"Wo le ge qu" (or "wo qu") is a very popular teasing expression on Mop used to show "surprise," "discontent," or "powerlessness." Like the "wu hu ai zai" used by ancient Chinese, it is just an interjection and more often than not, has
no meaning.
"Un-geili-vable" 不给力
Although native English speakers cannot understand this word "un-geili-vable," it is very popular among Chinese netizens. Chinese netizens have not only grasped how to pronounce the word, but also expanded its meaning. "Un-geili-vable
" means "bugeili" and "gelivable" means "geili." ("geili" is an adjective describing something "cool," "awesome," or "exciting." Its antonym "bugeili" means "far from desirable," "dull" or "boring.")
Envy, jealousy and hate 羡慕嫉妒恨
The three-word phrase has deep meaning – hate originates from jealousy and jealousy from envy.
“羡慕嫉妒恨”第一次被媒体广泛引用是2009年: 张艺谋贺岁喜剧电影《三枪拍案惊奇》上映不到3天,票房接近7千万,很多地方都出现排队购票的场面。但与此同时,这部电影被骂得也很惨,说低俗、像二人转、像小品、就是不像电影的,说美术风格陈旧、全靠摔跟头博取笑声的,说“二张”用最简单的场景、便宜的演员“抢钱”的……不一而足。12月13日,新浪娱乐独家连线张伟平,对这些现象和问题一一回应。张伟平说,以前拍那些所谓的有品位的电影并非张艺谋所愿,所谓精英们的评论也不会影响他们以后拍片的方向。他说,电影圈的很多人对他和张艺谋就是5个字:羡慕嫉妒恨。
A very hard decision 非常艰难的决定
On the evening of Nov. 3, 2010, instant messaging software QQ operator Tencent released a letter to QQ users, claiming that it would halt the operation of QQ on all computers installed with Qihoo's 360 software. Then, netizens started
imitating Tencent and wrote open letters and quoted Tencent's most ridiculous words in its letter, "We have made a very hard decision."
11月3日晚间,腾讯发表了“致广大QQ用户的一封信”称“我们做出了一个非常艰难的决定”,“将在装有360软件的电脑上停止运行QQ软件”。同李刚门一样,网民开始以“一个非常艰难的决定”进行造句。例如:“麦当劳做了一个艰难的决定:如果发现顾客曾去过肯德基,将把顾客赶出去。蒙牛做了个艰难的决定:如果发现消费者胃里有伊利,将自动释放三聚氰胺。天涯社区做了一个艰难的决定:如果发现版友混过猫扑,将禁止其ID一年。 ”
Naotaitao 闹太套
Naotaitao is the homophone to the English words "not at all." When Chinese singer Huang Xiaoming sang an English song during an evening party, his pronunciation of the words "not at all" was very similar to "naotaitao." He was mocked
by netizens and the word "naotaitao" has become one of the hot online words thereafter.
闹太套是英文“not at all”的中文音译。黄晓明同学在演唱《One World One Dream》时,由于对not at all的发音酷似“闹太套”而遭网友调侃,此词也因此成为网络流行语之一,以此嘲笑许多明星为了显示自己的与众不同却弄巧成拙。黄晓明同学从此得名“闹太套”教主。
My father is li gang 我爸爸是李刚
October 16th late occurred in heibei baoding together with the traffic accident, the onset of official second generation shouted: "have skill you accuse go,Moncler Jackets, my father is li gang!"
It quickly became a net friend and media hot debate focused, "my father is li gang" also quickly become network catchword, evolved "hate" this one steel martell not more popular language, derived from the "hill" bayu cyprinus such a biological and fictional its natural disposition is aggressive ruthless, usually flowing raising.
ya pears 鸭梨
"ya pear" is "stress" partials. Baidu stick in a net friend intentionally inadvertently will "stress" dozen "ya pear", lead stick in countless people imitate. While "ya pear shandong" also gradually rose to fame. Will pressure the disturbing stagnation of words, showing a moment to “鸭梨”——“压力”的谐音,流行于网络,“XX表示鸭梨很大”,成为网络口头禅,也算是网民在压力下的一种自我放松。
Bean you play, ginger your army 豆你玩,姜你军
Coal super crazy, sugar the emperor 煤超疯,糖高宗
"garlic you malicious comes garlic price soaring, even than meat, eggs still your people after the helpless. Netizens according to MaSanLi crosstalk crosstalk actors discrete invented "bean you play", you are malicious after "garlic is another popular after phrase. And in "bean you play" later, the sugar the emperor, ginger you army, oil you go up, Ping what, pigeons you meat, large quantities of "embedded" like a vice toppled the dominoes, image to show food relay prices helpless with status quo and mass protests.
The lambs body 羊羔体
this October 19, "lu xun literature prize" winners, including wuhan city of discipline announce car delay high the poem "yearning warmth" ranked among the winners of poetry. That night 11 p.m. 16 points, one is called "ChenWeiJian" in its sina micro bo published in a entitled the "pear body" after "the lambs body"?" The message. On the same day, netizens in micro bo issued a track called "the perfect outfit.but the poem,", "the perfect outfit.but beautiful is pure, the beauty of a woman. I have been to see her, yet unfulfilled desire... she later red..." Publishers say, this song describing the famous actor is perfect outfit.but poem, car delay high poetry. Authoritative awards,mbt imara, the author officials and the poet's identity, straightforward poems, draws a hot debate social from all walks of life.