2013-11-15 11:37:21 | 编辑:环球博海四六级  来自:网络编辑整理 
导读:环球博海小编特整理了2013年英语四级语法词汇强化习题(60) ,希望能够帮助到大家!

  我们都知道语法词汇的重要性,这就需要同学们平时多加训练,环球博海小编特整理了2013年英语四级语法词汇强化习题(60) ,希望能够帮助到大家!

  1.How much per gallon is this _______?

  A. poison B.pipe C.ox D.gasoline

  2.I couldn't hear the program because there was too much _______.

  A. grasp B.globe C.superior D.interference

  3.Thanks for the advice, but this is something I have to _______ out myself.

  A. fulfill B.identify C.figure D.claim

  4.Mary was seriously injured in a _______.

  A. collision B.geology C.manuscript D.pool

  5.This 80-200mm zoom lens bears canon's L designation, denoting a top-of-the-line lens built to extremely high _______.

  A. tolerances B.pitch C.possession D.purses

  6.According to Mr. Green, this is a _______ problem.

  A. grand B.complicated C.owing D.powder

  7.I'm going to call a _______ to repair my car this afternoon.

  A. mechanic B.host C.giant D.glance

  8.They have already _______ the telephone in their new home

  A. parceled B.spun C.installed D.retained

  9.The roof has _______ in it, and the front steps need to be fixed.

  A. ants B.drums C.grains D.leaks

  10.He received four years of training in English and two years in English teaching.He is a _______ English instructor.

  A. responsible B.scared C.vast D qualified


  1.C 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.B

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