2013-11-18 14:16:50 | 编辑:环球博海四六级  来自:网络编辑整理 


  1.Their marriage is declared ____.

  A) ineffective B) invalid C) in vain D) empty

  2.The recent airplane crash ____ my belief that stronger safety regulations are needed.

  A) infirm B) affirms C) firms D) confirms

  3.The salesgirl had ____ the mistakes in my bill as soon as possible.

  A) rectified B) verified C) underlined D) certified

  4.He doesn’t want to get married because he is afraid of any____.

  A) committee B) contamination C) commemoration D) commitments

  5.I am____ of that woman; I think she may have stolen something from our shop.

  A) skeptical B) specific C) suspicious D) spacious

  6.The republication of the writer’s works will surely ____ his reputation.

  A) enhance B) strengthen C) enlarge D) magnify

  7.In fairy tales, ____ beings will never die.

  A) immoral B) immortal C) fatal D) immobile

  8.Working consistently without rest, a lot of doctors and nurses ____ SARS.

  A) go down with B) go into C) go for D) go away

  9.Evening was____as I took the road over Mountain Top

  A) setting out B) setting in C) setting down D) setting off

  10.It’s interesting that Mary____her aunt in everyway

  A) takes on B) takes after C) takes down D) takes to

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  • 2013年12月四六级考前预测

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  • 环球博海网络课程专题

  • 应试词汇-专题